Family-oriented clinic. Open 7 days a week. 416-512-7776
Acupuncture is the practice of penetrating the skin with sterile, fine, metallic needles to stimulate the energetic system of the body through the specific movements of needles or electrical stimulation.
It is originated from ancient China with over two thousand years old of history. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine based assessment, it focuses to restore and treat both external and internal body function and related disorders by stimulating different points along the meridians (i.e., energy path of the body) to balance the energy flow of the body.
Currently, it is considered one of the fastest-growing alternative medical treatments in Canada, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has documented its effectiveness in treating over forty-three conditions.
Types of Treatments
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Types of Treatments
Electronic Stimulation
At Jin Clinic, practitioners may use these modalities to better treat you without additional charge based on your diagnosis during the treatment session.
Benefits of Acupuncture:
Acupuncture is widely known for its efficacy to control pain. It can help with a wide range of problems in the body system from the central nervous system to the gastrointestinal system. It can also benefit depression and other neuropsychological problems as well as treating addictions (e.g., food) problem.
These are some of the problems that acupuncture is effective for:
Neck and Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Sprain and Strain
Headache & Migraine
Fertility & Other Gynecology related Issues
Acupuncture Price
Initial Visit (Including Initial Assessment & Treatment): $70.00
Subsequent Visit: $70.00
At Jin Clinic, we put our patients’ safety first and we believe that acupuncture should never be painful. All of our practitioners are registered members of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario and subject to the training & competency requirements of the college.
All needles are used only once and we always use alcohol swabs prior to insertion of needles. Needles are obtained from a sterile and sealed package prior to insertion.
Our practitioners all stand by our promise for you to relax and revitalize through the treatment.